Round Five: BSA Tahir was merely the fall guy (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

Was the detention of BSA Tahir a matter of national security? Was it to safeguard the security of Malaysia or was it to cover up the involvement of those who walk in the corridors of power in illegal activities? Since the evidence is so overwhelming why detain BSA Tahir without trial? Why not charge him in court and secure a conviction? After all, BSA Tahir never denied what happened. He just denied that he acted alone and that the Malaysians did not know what was going on.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The three directors of Scomi are Hilmy Zaini Bin Zainal, Mansor Bin Tahir and Shah Hakim @ Shahzanim Bin Zain.

Prisma Wibawa Sdn Bhd is 100% owned by Scomi. The three directors of the company are Hilmy Zaini Bin Zainal, Mansor Bin Tahir and Shamsul Bahrin Bin Rukiban.

Prisma Wibawa received RM11 million and Scomi about RM9 million — a total of RM20 million — from Lebanon and Libya to finance the production of the nuclear centrifuges.

The IGP issued a ten-page press statement saying that the Malaysians were conned by BSA Tahir and that they were not aware they were involved in an illegal business. The evidence thus far — and there is more to come — shows that the Malaysians were very much in the know and were deeply involved from the very beginning.


Translated into Chinese at:

