HR ministry’s ‘silly suggestion’ on illegals stuns Jeffrey

By Luke Rintod, Free Malaysia Today

“What any responsible government would first do is clear Sabah of illegal immigrants and establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry to haul in those responsible for granting MyKads to those not qualified to receive them, most famously through the so-called ‘Projek Mahathir’.

KOTA KINABALU: PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan has expressed concern that a government plan to employ illegal immigrants in the country would decriminalize the act. “Don’t be silly… the suggestion (by the Human Resources Ministry) is based on faulty logic and will increase poverty and all kinds of problems in Sabah,” he said in a statement last night.

Jeffrey said the plan that was endorsed by the head of the Federation of Manufacturer Sabah Wong Khen Thau “would worsen an already fragile situation in Sabah”.

“By encouraging the employment of illegal immigrants, the government is actually spurring more foreigners to come to Sabah and break the laws of this country, including our constitution and to jeopardise our national security.

“We have 1.7 million foreigners in Sabah. Half of them are illegal immigrants. And that’s not even counting those who were illegally given Malaysian identity cards,” he said.

Jeffrey, who also heads the Borneo Heritage Foundation and Common Interest Group Malaysia (CigMa), said such a proposal would not even be considered by any responsible government.

“It will solve nothing. The presence of the huge number of illegal immigrants will remain and the labour shortage claimed by employers is of their own doing,” he said.

