Kajang councillor says only saw Teoh for five seconds

He said that during the interrogation he was forced to stand straight for four hours. “When I moved, the interrogation officer would threaten me and say, ‘if you move again, I will hit you! You don’t believe me?’ he said while pointing his finger near my face.” He added that he was mocked because of his ethnicity. “(The officer said) you don’t understand me? Stupid Chinese.”

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider

Tan Boon Wah said today he only caught a fleeting glimpse of Teoh Beng Hock just hours before the DAP political aide was found dead at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Selangor headquarters here, last year.

The DAP Kajang municipal councillor also denied having a heated argument with Teoh, in his testimony today at a coroner’s inquest into the political aide’s death.

Tan told the court he only saw Teoh for “five seconds” at the pantry, when he was on the way to the bathroom.

“I saw him pacing back and forth in the pantry while looking at the floor,” he said.

“I saw him for four to five seconds.”

Earlier Tan testified that he was confined to the interrogation room from 9pm on July 15 until 10am on July 16.

He said that during the interrogation he was forced to stand straight for four hours.

“When I moved, the interrogation officer would threaten me and say, ‘if you move again, I will hit you! You don’t believe me?’ he said while pointing his finger near my face,” he said.

He added that he was mocked because of his ethnicity.

“(The officer said) you don’t understand me? Stupid Chinese,” he said.

He said that the interrogators continued to ask about his family and if he loved his wife.

“(The officer said)I sympathise with you. I will bring your children here and make you cry in front of them,” he said.

He said that the interrogators would leave the room every 15 minutes and sometimes leave him standing in the dark while they were outside.

In the early morning of July 16, Tan decided to use the toilet after sleeping on the floor in the interrogation room.

Lawyer Gobind Singh Deo asked what was the time when he went to the toilet.

Tan: It was near dawn around 5 or 6am. On the way to the toilet, I saw that in the windows that it was getting brighter outside.


