Lawyer: Did DPP have sex with Saiful? Yes or no?

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid, Free Malaysia Today

Anwar Ibrahim’s lawyers want a definite answer from the prosecution team of the sodomy II trial — a yes or no if deputy public prosecutor Farah Azlina Latif has an affair with the hearing’s key witness and alleged sodomy victim, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

In a letter submitted to lead prosecutor, Solicitor-General II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, lawyer Sankara Nair listed down three reasons for the demand.

First is that the allegation, which was reported by an online news portal on July 22, “has been published pervasively for national and worldwide viewing”.

Second, said Sankara, is that there is serious implication in the integrity of the prosecution team.

“This is because the DPP involved is part of the prosecution team and has access to sensitive and confidential information that cannot be disclosed to Saiful,” read the letter dated July 26.

Third is the reply given by Mohd Yusof, which was published in the same July 22 article, that had invited much speculation “particularly because the reply was vague and not firm”.

“Therefore, your confirmation or denial will be much appreciated,” concluded the letter.

Trial may be marred

The allegation was the latest scandal to rock the controversial sodomy trial, Anwar’s second in 10 years, and is likely to further erode public confidence in the integrity of the trial.

The move by Attorney-General Abdul Ghani Pattail to drop Farah Azlina yesterday only strengthen this perception.

“The Attorney-General’s Chambers cannot compromise on any issue that can tarnish the image or credibility of the department and we are looking at such matters very seriously.

“This can be very difficult for us but any personal matter, if it can have any implication in whatever form on the department, will be handled very seriously,” he told a press conference at his office in Putrajaya yesterday.


