Teachers can join political activities

Why the huge rush to get them involved beginning 1 August? What does he mean “now it’s time for them to return to active participation in politics“???? Another case of “ikut perintah” (“following orders”?)

By Lee Wee Tak

According to this report from the Chinese press,


10,000 teaching staff are allowed to participate in political activities


From 1 August onwards, DQ41 till DG48 academic education staff with tertiary qualification can participate in political activities hence it is estimated that 10,000 academic staff obtain the opportunity to participate in politics


Tan Seri Sidek Hassan announced today (the above) on condition that it must obtain the approval of the Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pendidikan KSKP (Chief Secretary of Education Ministry)


The reason for this is that teachers once played a prominent part in moulding the political scene and in his press statement “now it’s the time for them to return to active participation in politics”

I choked on my tea oh kosong.

Today is the 28th July, why the huge rush to get them involved beginning 1 August? What does he mean “now it’s time for them to return to active participation in politics“???? Another case of “ikut perintah” (“following orders”?)

Procedural wise, this is a big foul up it seems.

This is a significant step whereby any Chong, Fatimah, Letchumany and assimilated Filipino in Sabah would wonder aloud, “how would this affect the quality of education financed by tax payers, consumed by the off-springs of the tax payers“?

Yet, to change an entrenched practice, no reference was made to the rakyat, not even a parliament debate, Rakyat Diutamakan/People First illustrated.

Another case of civil servants acting above policy makers? Another lil’ Napoleon? Or a case of ikut perintah sahaja-ma…..

It is also discriminatory, why only “high graders” are allowed? Is it because the lower level staff are economically less advantaged and subscribed more to the socialist DAP, Islamist Welfare State oriented Pas or grass root composition of Parti Sosial Malaysia ?

What about the condition that it must be approved by the KSKP? Is it a blanket level or case by case, individual application level?

Given the short timeline, is there a detailed, carefully considered guideline to ensure the participation would not damage further our lagging education system?

If Pakatan Rakayt MPs can’t even visit the schools in their own constituency to distribute face mask during H1N1 epidemic,


Excerpt of the news: In view of the widening AH1N1 pandemic outbreak in the country, Miss Teo wishes to visit some of the national schools located in her Serdang constituency in order to distribute surgical masks to the students. However, she was told by most of the schools that she is not welcomed simply because she is a MP from Pakatan Rakyat.

then the orientation of the “desperately needed” academic staff is pretty obvious, right?

Read more at: http://wangsamajuformalaysia.blogspot.com/2010/07/teachers-can-join-political-activities.html
