Skill Training or Skilled scamming

Can the Minister of Human Resources or his office provide some insight into this initiative like how much money has been disbursed so far, how many “colleges or institutes or individuals” have procured the contracts, the average value of the contract and how many persons have been trained?  

By SP Nathan

We hear of the announcement of billions of ringgit being either allocated or spent on retraining of unemployed persons (graduates or otherwise) who are then “successfully” placed in employment. 

Now how much of this is the  truth or real. I have my doubts. 

The money spend is the people’s money. It would be interesting to see who are the actual beneficiaries of the “contracts” i.e. recipients, who are the ‘students” and who are the “employers”. 

Can the Minister of Human Resources or his office provide some insight into this initiative like how much money has been disbursed so far, how many “colleges or institutes or individuals” have procured the contracts, the average value of the contract and how many persons have been trained?  

Finally it would be interesting to see how many of the “so called” re skilled persons are STILL in employment. 

Then perhaps, we can determine whether this initiative is skilled training or skilled scamming. 

