Employment benefits that is worth your while


By Lee Wee Tak

There are some employment benefits that would make you green with envy. Take Nazir Abdul Razak’s share option benefits in Bumiputra Commerce Holdings Berhad for instance:

Base on the Directors’ Report for year ended 31 December 2006, on 31 December 2006, he held 12,958,872 Bumiputra Commerce Holdings Berhad ordinary shares and another 19,644,389 employee share option exercisable at RM1.42 per share.

2007 Annual Reports and Accounts shows that on 7 January 2008, he exercised his option and converted all the 19,644,389 options into shares at exercise price of RM1.42 per share; costing him only RM1.42 per share RM27,895,032.

Read more at: http://wangsamajuformalaysia.blogspot.com/2010/07/employment-benefits-that-is-worth-your.html
