Jho Low denies involvement in Sungai Besi airbase deal

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 30 — International businessman of “mystery” Low Taek Jho has denied any involvement with the proposed redevelopment of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) Sungai Besi airbase.

Low was responding to allegations that he had received a RM500 million contract for the Sungai Besi project.

“I am not involved — that part I want to make clear. I understand that there are some allegations that I received a RM500 million contract for the Sungai Besi project.

“That is absolutely not true. I have no involvement whatsoever in the Sungai Besi project and from what I was made to understand, it is a project by 1MDB,” Low told The Star daily in an interview published today.

PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Akin had claimed recently that a “mystery man” known as “Low” had secured a RM500 million contract for the redevelopment project of the airbase.

The infamous businessman, known for his high-level connections to Hollywood superstars revealed that his first involvement in a government-type project in Malaysia was the Iskandar Development Region investment.

Low said that he had been roped in by a friend from Khazanah as he had close connections to Middle Eastern blue-chip investors.

“Eventually, both Mubadala and Kuwait Finance House’s RM1 billion entry into Iskandar was a big boost for Malaysia. They have shown their commitment as long-term investors and it is my view that Khazanah and Iskandar Investment Bhd have done a good job,” Low told The Star.

Low dismissed talk claiming that the Iskandar project was behind schedule, and insisted that the project was geared towards achieving “long-term sustainability.”


