Time for Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan to swear again …


The relationship between Saiful and the DPP is personal, I concede. But here at the Sodomy II trial, it is Saiful who is trying to portray himself as a righteous person who has been wronged and is seeking justice and further, sworn on the Koran that his allegation is true. 

By SP Nathan

On 15th August 2008, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan swore on the Quran at the Federal Territory Mosque in Kuala Lumpur that Anwar Ibrahim had sodomised him. 

Just before the Permatang Pauh election, on August 22 2008, PM Najib was reported by media of swearing at the Guar Perahu mosque that he did not know the Mongolian lady. 

Last week, on 22nd August 2010, a blog made an allegation that a female DPP attached to the team that is prosecuting Anwar Ibrahim had a sexual relationship with the complainant and star witness, Saiful,  in the ongoing national opera “Sodomy II”. 

Then a few days ago, the AG dropped the female DPP from the team, although he did not deny nor confirm the allegation. 

The relationship between Saiful and the DPP is personal, I concede. But here at the Sodomy II trial, it is Saiful who is trying to portray himself as a righteous person who has been wronged and is seeking justice and further, sworn on the Koran that his allegation is true. 

Our PM has also taken the same path with regards the Mongolian lady to swear that the allegations are false. 

Then we have Anwar Ibrahim, who has chosen not to get the Almighty involved in his personal problems and fight the matter out in the courts. 

Two years after the swearing, the media reported Saiful as making the following statement “I’ve done this for God and I took my oath in the house of God, that I was humiliated and sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim and I do not wish to lie to the world as he has done”. 

Therefore, since Saiful has chosen to swear two years ago that the Sodomy allegation is true, my question to him is, will he also go to the same mosque or some other and take another oath, that the sexual allegations against the DPP is false since as a Muslim, it is forbidden to so do. 

August 15th, 2008 is a Friday, today July 30th 2010 is also a Friday. Perhaps Saiful should make the journey again, as he did two years ago and make a declaration to God.  
