Police Disrupts Peaceful Anti-ISA Vigil PJ

Here’s the rakyat’s side of the story:


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By Pat Lu, Co-Founder, Pahlawan Volunteers

Riot police barred activists from holding the candlelight vigil to commemorate Internal Security Act’s 50th anniversary. At Dataran MBPJ, Padang Timur in Petaling Jaya, Selangor – members of the Light Strike Force (LSF) began dispersing the 300-strong crowd just as the latter began signing Negaraku. The police were also seen rushing and breaking the peace at Amcorp shopping mall.

Here’s the rakyat’s side of the story:


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Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) councillor Latheefa Koy accused the police of failing to respect the local authority’s jurisdiction.

“The council has given written permission for this programme and issued an authorisation letter. But the police completely ignored it.”

“This was simply a candle-light vigil. These are candles being held, not weapons,” she added.

On the other hand, Petaling Jaya police chief Arjunaidi Mohamed said the organisers did not obtain a permit for tonight’s gathering.

“MBPJ is not the authority authorised to issue such permits. They, with their legal knowledge, should know this very well.”

Here’s the police’s side of the story:


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View photos here | Past Anti-ISA PJ Vigils Video Archive

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