Tudung or not, MACC Should Stop Wasting Taxpayers’ Money

Din Merican

On Saturday July 30, Anwar Ibrahim mesmerized the audience at the 15th Malaysian Law Conference with his closing speech – “ Taking Justice Seriously”.  Anwar  mentioned the persecution of  Malaysia’s most celebrated blogger, Raja Petra Kamarudin, more famously known as  RPK. He compared RPK’s flight  to England to that of Emile Zola who did the same almost a century earlier. Both men had reckoned that it would be foolish to submit to an utterly corrupt and unjust system.

To Anwar’s credit, he did not breathe a word about his own continuing trial in Sodomy II that was about to take place on Monday August 2. To Anwar’s credit, he spoke about all other persecutions except his own. To Anwar’s credit, he is standing his ground to seek his vindication in the courts of law in Malaysia. He is taking justice seriously.

The Tudung Affair: A Sub-Plot in Sodomy 2 Trial

So on August 2, the road to the Jalan Duta Court Complex became choked with traffic again. The main lobby of the court house was crowded again.  Security was tight.The Police screened everyone from free access to the corridors of justice. And all that because Anwar Ibrahim was in court again. However , Anwar’s case did not proceed. It did not proceed because of the scandal involving DPP Farah Azlina Latif and Saiful Bukhari.

Looking at DPP Farah who wears the tudung, one would expect she would have a certain aversion to a man who publicly claimed to have been sodomised. Well, obviously this woman DPP is not very discerning. On the other hand, Saiful,  a strong young man in his late 20s, who says he was overpowered by a 60+ old man to the point of being sodomised , obviously could not  restrain his own manly urge, such that even a tudung clad DPP of Farah Azlina’s appearance could tempt him. It is as if there is divine intervention to show the cracks in the prosecution’s case.

Dato Ramli Yusuff back in court

While all this drama was taking place, in another court room of the same Jalan Duta Court Complex, the trial of Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, former Director Commercial Crime Investigations Division, was quietly taking place. What? Another trial?

Hadn’t  Dato’ Ramli already been acquitted? Didn’t  Judge Supang Lian of Kota Kinabalu Sessions Court  acquit him without even calling for his defence? Isn’t this the same Judge who found IGP Musa Hassan to be “an incredible witness whose evidence is not to be believed”? Didn’t Judge M. Gunalen of KL Sessions Court also acquit Dato’ Ramli without calling for his defence after holding that the Prosecution could not even prove a prima facie case? In other words, Dato’ Ramli was fixed! Didn’t the A-G appeal in Sabah and again lost in the High Court?

All this was revived again when Dato’ Ramli appeared before Judge SM Komathy Suppiah on that Monday . What the public did not know was that IGP Musa Hassan and his co-conspirator, the AG, Gani Patail, had fixed up another charge against Dato’ Ramli. When they realized that the joy ride charge and the small change charge could not stick, they cooked up another charge. This time it was for being a shareholder and director of  a company called Kinsajaya Sdn Bhd  in 2006 without having prior approval. This escaped a lot of attention because they made this a Summons case. Whether Summons or arrest case, it is still a criminal case. This shows the vindictiveness of IGP Musa Hassan and  AG Gani Patail.


