UMNO Bashing 2

Today, without a two thirds majority, UMNO has lost much of its power to control events, and is unable to call the shots anymore, largely due to the voices of a strong opposition. But UMNO is strong, and with or without the backing of other BN parties, it would continue to lead this nation, for the next few generations. Already, they have started preparing for the next election, which they hope will put to rest for the next fifty years, whatever notions that one may have that BN is unfit to rule.

By Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain

I really cannot understand why the masses are so against UMNO. UMNO has served the country well for over 52 years, and today Malaysia is the pride of ASEAN. Its leaders have held the country together, and the Internal Security Act (ISA) has prevented racial riots from breaking out, and discouraged terrorists from starting mayhem, as well as communists from taking over the country. And all we can say is UMNO is not worthy to rule the country. Today we have a growing minority that is anti-UMNO, and sincerely believes that UMNO must go.

They have forgotten what UMNO has sacrificed to hold this nation together. But the silent majority knows, and each of them, will not forget their sacred duty to be ready to vote them in, come every election.

They know a strong UMNO will ensure peace and harmony in this land. A strong UMNO will ensure freedom of expression, religious diversity, and economic stability.

Today we have even stronger young leaders like KJ, MM, KT, HTH who are politically savvy, young and energetic enough, and poised to take over the reins of power in this country. The rest of BN is a disappointment though. In the last election, most of them received a sound thrashing by the electorate for their failure to champion their Rights. UMNO is still strong, because it has always championed the needs of the Malays. UMNO is totally disappointed with the rest of BN component parties, who consciously neglected the electorate, and in the process lost most of the seats to the Opposition.

If UMNO wasn’t strong enough, BN would have disintegrated. Luckily, UMNO still had the heart to accept these component parties into the BN fold even though they have failed BN and the electorate.

UMNO is proud of the fact that it is still keeping the BN coalition together; and it will continue to exert its authority and superiority to ensure that BN or the Opposition toes the line. It is also high time for us to stop bashing UMNO and go after the component parties. They are equally as guilty of making a mess of our national unity.

UMNO is a very focused party, and it even has a blueprint for the future of this nation. It is slowly grooming its young successors to take over. The senior UMNO intends to let go, retire and enjoy the fruits of their labour. But with so much pressure from the Opposition and the failure of other BN members to shore up the fort, UMNO is slowly crumbling; and sometimes it has to make unpopular decisions to ensure National Security.

Of course, UMNO is chastising the other BN parties, lately MCA on the ‘ALLAH’ issue and before MIC during the Hulu Selangor by-election. In doing so they managed to save a much coveted seat. UMNO will continue to chastise them for the poor performance that led to so many diehard supporters being disillusioned with BN.

Today, without a two thirds majority, UMNO has lost much of its power to control events,  and is unable to call the shots anymore, largely due to the voices of a strong opposition. But UMNO is strong, and with or without the backing of other BN parties, it would continue to lead this nation, for the next few generations. Already, they have started preparing for the next election, which they hope will put to rest for the next fifty years, whatever notions that one may have that BN is unfit to rule.

So instead of us continuing to criticize the government, we should be planning ahead, and recruit all the eligible voters we can find, and get them to vote. Let us show the world that Malaysia can be a democratic nation, with a legitimate government, voted by the people, and for the people. If we think UMNO is haughty, and not fit to rule, then for once, please prove UMNO wrong, or forever hold your peace. Meanwhile, slow down with the UMNO bashing, and go down to the grassroots, and start the election machinery. But I bet you 2-1 that UMNO will still stand tall and mighty on that bloody battle field.

And if by a sheer stroke of coincidence the Opposition manages to win the election, then I will take my hats off to you, and I will have no choice but to postpone forever my long awaited migration to Canada.
