14 & 17 yr olds say slapped, wrists dislocated, kicked by cops

By Nathaniel Tan

A 14-year-old boy has claimed that he was repeatedly slapped, kicked, and handcuffed till his wrist was badly injured by a police constable when he was arrested for no apparent reason.

Another case of police abuse. We don’t seem to be doing enough to stop this trend.

I was particularly moved by how this young man was so afraid he would end up like Kugan 🙁

Read FMT report.

The boy further alleged that during detention on Tuesday night, he was threatened and forced to sign a document to “confess” to his crime– sexually assaulting a young girl.

Recounting his traumatic experience, M Mugelen said he was taking a swim with his friends at a pool at the Pantai Hill Park condominium at about 7pm with four other friends when police approached them.

“Four policemen came up to us and one of them asked us ‘who disturbed the girl?’ and we answered we did not,” he said.

“I did not even know the girl, who is about eight or nine years old. Why didn’t they question a group of Malays who were also nearby?” said Mugelen, adding that he suspected the girl’s family had lodged a false report to stop him and his friends from swimming at the area.

Mugelen said he was subsequently slapped three times on the left cheek and all five of them, aged between 14 and 17, were brought to the Pantai police station and later the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters.

