Are We Doomed?


Suffice to say it is one think to make a promise, another to keep the promise and the most difficult task is to manage the promise. But look – we are talking about politicians who are elected by the rakyat to serve the rakyat and they receive their salaries from the rakyat’s hard-earned money. Have you ever heard about employees who disregard their employer and go solo to do their own thing after they sign a contract of employment?

Even before reading RPK’s post HERE on How We Have Lost the Plot? I had been feeling quite downcast about the political landscape. With all that has been happening in the past few weeks, one would think it is only natural for our opposition side to be fortifying their defenses, preparing their artillery and strategizing in the event there is a snap poll. But no. Instead, we have been reading about bickering, disagreements, one upmanship, betrayals, disgraceful incidents of indiscipline, washing dirty linen in public – the sum of all seems to show that these very politicians we put into place in March 2008 seem to have forgotten about the rakyat and are more concerned about themselves!

I wrote about the DAP spat in What a Sorry State of Affairs! and concerned readers also aired their views there.

Is it that difficult for a politician to honor their campaign promises? More than two years have passed and so far, only the Penang State government has issued its own report card for the rakyat to assess their record of achievement. Check my post HERE on Let’s Make It Happen. Even so, they still have plenty of room for improvement.

What about the other state governments? Are they going to offer excuses that the broken promises are merely “exceptions” and that there are other achievements? However, their behavior is not too impressive, especially those in Selangor, particularly DAP and PKR – the latest being the resignation of PKR’s Communications Director, Jonson Chong which you can read OVER HERE. I am sure some feel conned by the other side because what we see is not too different from what we used to see.

It seems that there is a lot of talking but how many are actually attending to the rakyat’s needs?

How do we as citizens of this nation perceive political promise making? Do we believe the adage that politicians will say anything to get elected?

Realistically, many types of professions deal with promises, including sales personnel who promise to call back but seldom keep that promise. The student promises to hand up the assignment but misses the deadline. The Customer Care Officer says that she will address the issue but the customer ends up making many phone calls to complain about the inertia.

Suffice to say it is one think to make a promise, another to keep the promise and the most difficult is to manage the promise. But look – we are talking about politicians who are elected by the rakyat to serve the rakyat and they receive their salaries from the rakyat’s hard-earned money. Have you ever heard about employees who disregard their employer and go solo to do their own thing after they sign a contract of employment?

That’s exactly what seems to be happening happening here.

Delays can be expected as sometimes there are circumstances that are beyond our control but it is far too easy to leave a trail of broken promises and unfulfilled commitments because words are cheap and spoken with various intentions!

