Hidden Opulence

By Sarawak Report

Following recent exposes about the lavish international properties which the Taib family have for years kept hidden abroad, Sarawak Report feels it is appropriate to also draw attention to the equally staggering opulence of their lifestyle in Kuching.

Through the keyhole

Most Sarawakians only get a glimpse of the luxury enjoyed by their modestly-paid Cheif Minister, for example when his Rolls Royce flashes by or he takes off in the Hornbill jet put aside for his personal use.  Therefore Sarawak Report would like to offer an exclusive inside view of just one office suite prepared for the use of Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib, the Chief Minister’s second son, for those occasions when he might be visiting Kuching.

Gold leaf decor

Of course this is just the office of the younger son of the Chief Minister and, since he spends most of his time outside Kuching fufilling his dual roles as Member of the Federal Parliament and international businessman, Sarawakians shouldn’t expect it to be nearly as grand as, for example, his father’s own office.  But still not bad!

Mr Taib clearly favours heavy gilt decor and 18th century-style European furniture.  Sarawak Report would be interested to know the cost of furnishing these offices, including what is reported to be a highly valuable Islamic painting visible on the wall.  Such costs ought to be properly audited and made available for public scrutiny, as would be the case for example in America, Europe and elsewhere.  A detailed inventory showing what proportion of these furnishings belong to the State and which are personal ought also to be available.


