New PKR newsletter under probe

(The Star) – The Home Ministry is investigating Keadilan, PKR’s newsletter that replaced Suara Keadilan, said deputy minister Datuk Abu Seman Yusop.

“We have not renewed the licence for Suara Keadilan but the party has published a similar newsletter under the name Keadilan.

“We also have not received any application from PKR to publish Keadilan and that is against the law,” he told reporters after opening the Print Technology Exhibition 2010 here yesterday.

The ministry had earlier slapped the party with a show-cause letter, seeking an explanation for several articles it published in Suara Keadilan, including the controversial “Felda Bangkrap” story.

Abu Seman said the ministry had yet to receive another explanation from PKR over this. It held back indefinitely its decision to renew the party’s printing permit, which expired on June 30. PKR has since published its newsletter under a different masthead, claiming that it was not a “scheduled” publication.

On DAP’s newsletter The Rocket, Abu Seman said the ministry had yet to receive an explanation on the show-cause sent to the party.


