Time for Soi Lek and MCA to pull out from the BN

If Chua backs down again – whether the rebuke comes from Prime Minister Najib Razak or former premier Mahathir Mohamad himself – then the MCA is finished. Forever finished! It should then ‘corporatize’, be an education and media company, but stay out of politics.

By Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

Fresh from drawing fire from the Chinese community for perceived cowardice, MCA president Chua Soi Lek is now getting whacked left, right and center by Malay leaders in Umno and PAS , who are upset that he has blamed them for undermining Malaysia’s economic potential.

PAS leaders, who sit on the opposite side of the political divide, have accused him of involving their party because he was too afraid to hit out at Umno alone. They minced no words, describing him as being desperate to stem his sliding popularity with the Chinese.

But harsh though their words may be, it was Umno leaders like Khir Toyo who delivered the real killer blow. The former Selangor MB, in disgrace due to a slew of corruption allegations, spitefully suggested that Chua was trying to make people blame Islam. What a sure fire way to turn even the smallest storm in a teacup into a full-blown tornado!

“This is very dangerous. People might start blaming Islam because of what he said… they might blame Islam and say that corruption in the country is rampant because of the religion,” Malaysian Insider quoted Khir as saying.

Most Chinese would agree with Chua 

What did Chua actually say to create such a commotion? “When Umno and PAS use religion to strengthen their influence, we can see that some non-progressive policies are made and that the country has been trapped as a middle income nation for more than 10 years,” Chua had told an MCA convention in Kedah.

So basically, what the MCA president was saying was that because of the Umno and PAS tendency to play up religious issues to win over Malay voters, it has led to “non-progressive” policies which have resulted in the entire nation suffering the effects of economic underperformance.

Is this true? Ask any non-Malay, especially the Chinese, and don’t be surprised as many as 9 out of 10 would agree – and absolutely too! Umno should commission a survey if it doesn’t believe this is so.

Read more at: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/2010/08/time-for-soi-lek-and-mca-to-pull-out.html
