Who is at the Root of the PKFZ Scandal? Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik or Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed?


If Tun Ling had not misled the cabinet, then the cabinet had full knowledge of what had been going on and had sanctioned it. Thus, if Tun Ling had not misled the cabinet, then the cabinet is guilty of the PKFZ collapse.

By Ken

Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik, ex-Transport Minister, has been charged with misleading the cabinet in the PKFZ multi-billion ringgit mega-project in 2002. If Tun Ling had misled the cabinet, then Tun Ling is guilty of corrupt practices, if not corruption, and has to be duely punished so that it will be established that no one, not even a Tun, is above the laws of Malaysia.

However, if Tun Ling had not misled the cabinet, then he is innocent and his good name would be cleared. But the fact is that the PKFZ is a mega scandal where billions of the people’s money have been stolen. Such a mega robbery cannot be done without the sanction and support of someone at the highest level.

So, if Tun Ling had not misled the cabinet, then the cabinet had full knowledge of what had been going on and had sanctioned it. Thus, if Tun Ling had not misled the cabinet, then the cabinet is guilty of the PKFZ collapse. More specifically, Tun Dr. Mahathir, as PM and head of cabinet and Tun Ling’s boss,  should then be primarily responsible of the PKFZ collapse. It is plain to all that, at the least, either Tun Dr. Ling or Tun Dr. Mahathir has to answer for the PKFZ financial disaster. At least ONE of these two Tuns is GUILTY of the PKFZ scandal – QED!
Given the credentials and track record of the MACC and AG office, there is no doubt that Tun Ling will not be found guilty even if he had actually misled the cabinet. If Tun Ling could have misled the cabinet and the brilliant Tun Dr. Mahathir, the MACC and AG and presiding judge would be no match for Tun Ling’s smartness, and the ex-Transport minister would have no problem into “misleading” this lot into finding him innocent. That should of course logically mean that the cabinet, and consequently Tun Mahathir, was responsible for the PKFZ collapse.
The MACC and AG have been offered a golden opportunity by Tun Mahathir himself to get to the root of the PKFZ scandal. The ex-PM has openly volunteered to give evidence in Tun Ling’s trial. Will the MACC and AG take up this offer? Just the mere mention of Tun Mahathir’s name is enough to send shivers into them.

Then, there is also the matter of being grateful for the promotions, privileges, perks and protections enjoyed then and now, and the fear of what would happen if one goes against the godfather. Assuming that the MACC and AG are bold enough to put the ex-PM in the witness box, what questions would they ask and how will they ask them? Assuming that they ask pertinent questions, would Tun Dr. Mahathir answer those questions?

On the basis of what we have witnessed during the Lingam Tape enquiry, we can safely bet that Tun Dr. Mahathir will again suddenly suffer from amnesia and be unable to remember any of the PKFZ critical details, or even suddenly suffer from a heart attack and be unable to attend court.
Tun Mahathir’s offer to be a witness in Tun Ling’s trial is just a wayang kulit – the ex-PM is too smart to be in the witness box to incriminate himself or again make a fool of himself through convenient amnesia. The trial of Tun Ling itself is just another wayang kulit to deceive the people into believing and hoping that corruption is being checked and justice is being restored. No one will be held responsible for the PKFZ disaster. That is a fact.
Oops! Just remembered. It was actually Muthu, the crane driver at Port Kelang, who was responsible for multi-billion dollar PKFZ scandal.
