IGP’s tenure: Is Hisham making an about-turn?

By Fazy Sahir, Free Malaysia Today

PUTRAJAYA: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein today apparently contradicted what he said last March about appointing a new Inspector-General of Police to replace Musa Hassan.

Speaking to reporters here, he said he had not decided whether to let Musa stay on after Sept 12, the date his contract ends.

He was not so undecided last March 15.

“I already know who is going to replace the IGP,” he said then, reacting to speculation about Musa’s tenure.

“I already know those who will take over, so there is no need for us to speculate and report news without basis.” He was speaking to reporters covering Parliament.

Today, responding to a reporter’s question, he said: “It’s not yet appropriate to decide on the matter.”

He was speaking at a press conference that followed an official function at the police headquarters here.

He told reporters to await an announcement about Musa’s position.

Musa, 59, was supposed to have retired last Sept 13, but his contract was extended for a year.


