Perkasa wants columnist to be put under ISA [with video]

Arman vowed to reveal the “real truth” behind Ang, who he claimed has links with controversial left-wing blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin. “According to my sources, she is Raja Petra’s protégé and sponsored by him as well. The sources also told me that she was moulded and planted by Raja Petra,” he said.

By Rahmah Ghazali, Free Malaysia Today

Malay-right wing NGO Perkasa today lodged a police report against well-known political analyst and columnist Helen Ang over a “seditious” article titled “Enforcing NEP on minority religions”. According to Perkasa Youth chief Arman Azhar Abu Hanifah, the article was posted on Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) website on Aug 4.

He said it contained derogatory remarks against the Bumiputeras, Islam and the King. Giving an example, Arman said the columnist had questioned the reciting of prayers by Muslims in schools, despite the presence of other races.

“She should not have questioned this because Islam is the official religion of the country and that is why we need to respect it.

“It does not mean that if we recite our prayers, we are denouncing the existence of other religions. Reciting prayers is just part of the Muslim culture,” he said.

He also said that Ang has “belittled” Islam and incited hatred among the races in the country.
“We think that the article would create racial tensions and also threaten national security because it is seditious in nature.

“We want the authorities to use the Sedition Act or Internal Security Act against her,” said Arman.


