How APCO earns its money the Malaysian taxpayers paid it

On 10th August 2010, The Wall Street Journal published a letter, Anwar Ibrahim Will Get a Fair Trial in Malaysia’ (, which was actually written by APCO but in the name of Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim Will Get a Fair Trial in Malaysia

While we appreciate Al Gore and Paul Wolfowitz’s interest in Malaysia (“Malaysia’s Opposition on Trial,” op-ed, Aug. 5), and their positive assessment of our country as a leading moderate Muslim-majority democracy, we strongly disagree with their call for the Malaysian and United States governments to intervene in the trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Such actions would directly contravene the rule of law.

Messrs. Gore and Wolfowitz are wrong to assert that it is “the Malaysian government who will decide this matter,” and they are misguided in their attempt to turn this trial into a political issue. As in the U.S., Malaysia’s independent judiciary is a pillar of our democracy. The outcome of this trial will be determined by facts and evidence, not the political prominence of those involved or those who write op-eds.

The government did not initiate this trial. Mr. Anwar is on trial solely because a private citizen—his own employee—filed a criminal complaint for sexual misconduct against him. Our legal system has an obligation to uphold the rule of law and follow due process.

As we have clearly stated in the past, we see this trial as an unwelcome distraction from our efforts to deliver economic growth, social progress and stability for the Malaysian people.

Unfortunately, though this case has sparked renewed interest in Malaysia in Western media, the real story about Malaysia has gotten lost. As Messrs. Gore and Wolfowitz rightly point out, since gaining independence Malaysia has achieved “economic growth while sustaining a degree of harmony among its religiously and ethnically diverse population.” We are very proud of these achievements and of the role that Malaysia continues to play as “an example of a Muslim-majority country making its way in the world.”

In this regard, we have put harmony and moderation at the heart of our politics under Prime Minister Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia concept, which calls for acceptance and a meritocracy in policy making and governance. And, though Messrs. Gore and Wolfowitz neglect to mention it, Malaysia’s economic success continues. We achieved 10.1% GDP growth in the first quarter of this year, and all indicators point to sustainable and inclusive growth well into the future.

Tengku Sariffuddin

Director, Media Division

Prime Minister’s Office

Putrajaya, Malaysia


Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad is one of the signatories to the APCO contract 

