We’re not Malay

Of late this Wira Perkasa started to include the Bumiputra, bearing in mind the term Bumiputra is only widely used in Sabah and Sarawak. Sabahans shouldn’t be ashamed to protest.

By Amde Sidik

I’ve this eerie feeling whenever Ibrahim Ali starts talking by using his new coveted political platform called Perkasa, well NGO they say, others ask why not register it as political party, and let contest in the country’s general election? Good proposition I suppose.

The youth wing called themselves Wira Perkasa, honestly they are duplicate of UMNO putera no more no less. All but about race supremacy, that is Malay supremacy of course.

Of lately this Wira Perkasa started to include the Bumiputra, bearing in mind term Bumiputra is only widely used in Sabah and Sarawak.

What right has Wira Perkasa to include Sabah and Sarawak? Not realizing how uneasy Bumiputras feel with this communal war monger organisation.

It’s morally wrong for Perkasa to assume the two Malaysian States are sharing this fascist and racist chauvinistic view, regardless who behind including at one time the most powerful man on the land that is Tun Mahathir Mohamed.

Sabahans shouldn’t be ashamed to protest.

Read more at: http://kadayanjournal.com/?p=3429
