DAP: Stop the dam constructions

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: Sarawak DAP wants an immediate halt to the construction of 11 dams in the state as only companies belonging to Chief Minster Abdul Taib Mahmud’s family members stand to benefit. “Both Cahaya Mata Sarawak (CMS) and Naim Cendera are owned by family members of the chief minister.

“CMS is the sole supplier of cement in Sarawak, while Naim Cendera is a construction company; only these two will benefit,” said Chong Chieng Jen, state DAP secretary.

“The people of Sarawak and the taxpayers will not only lose but will also be held to ransom,” he added.

Besides the Bakun and Murum dams now under construction, the government intends to build 11 more dams including the Baram and Bengoh dams.

“These dams are impractical and economically not viable. Trees will be destroyed, the eco-systems affected and the natives displaced,” said Chong, the Bandar Kuching MP.

“The future of our children will be bleak as the state coffers will be depleted to build these dams.”

Excess supply

He said that there is no point in building more dams as the current power needs of the state are only 900MW, which was more than sufficient.

“With power supply from the Bakun and Murum dams, the power capacity in the state will be increased to 2,400MW.

“This exceeds our needs. Since we do not need so much power, all these electricity will go to waste.

