Stop the blame game, Sabah minister told

By Charlie Rudai, Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: “Stop blaming others!” That’s the message to Resources Development and Information Technology Minister Yee Moh Chai from his rivals in the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).

SAPP supreme council member, David Chong Ket Shui, said Yee should stop blaming others for the Saham Amanah Sabah (SAS) fiasco where thousands of investors saw their savings disappear.

Yee should instead concentrate on discharging his duty as a minister of the Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) government to find ways to solve the problems of stranded Sabahans in Kuala Lumpur and youth unemployment in Sabah.

Chong said Yee was continuing to mislead the people when the latter said at the Parti Bersatu Sabah’s (PBS) Tanjung Aru annual general meeting on Sunday that SAPP boss and former chief minister, Yong Teck Lee, should take responsibility for the SAS disaster.

He added that Yee, who is also PBS deputy president, was merely trying to distract the people from his own failures as a minister.

“What has he done for the people in his eight years as a minister? Nothing!

“Only the BN government can take this responsibility no matter who is the chief minister.

“In this case, Musa Aman as the chief minister should look for a solution so that the affected investors can get back their money.

“Why blame Yong and SAPP? Why don’t you (Yee) blame Umno or any other BN component parties? Who are the members of the SAS board of trustees? Who appointed them? Who is the chairman? Does Yee not know that Umno is the biggest party in BN and has control over the Ministry of Finance? Why doesn’t Yee ask them?” asked Chong.

Several reasons have been given for the fall in SAS share price. Among them is the Asian financial crisis (1997-1998), which affected the shares of all government-run trust fund as well as commercial counters at Bursa Malaysia.

“I fail to understand. Is Yee ignorant or pretending to be ignorant by continuing to attack Yong?” said Chong, who is also SAPP Api-Api CLC (constituency liaison committee) chief.
