Umno hypocrisy on students & protest – Saifuddin & Anifah


Anifah, bila mau letak jawatan?

By Nathaniel Tan 

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM ) has clamped down on a scheduled talk by a young filmmaker on the students activism movement of the 1960′s.

Fahmi Reza (right) and the organisers had planned the talk at UiTM’s campus at Puncak Perdana yesterday evening when they suddenly found themselves barred.

One of the organisers, a UiTM student, said his lecturer called him yesterday morning to inform him that he could not hold the talk as he did not receive permission from the university.

“My lecturer and the Student Affairs Department caught wind of the function and they told me to stop it,” said the student, who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions.

Oh. What happened to Dep Minister Saifuddin Abdullah’s nice ‘progressive’ words about letting students become more politically active?

I guess it applies only to joining Umno-leaning politics eh?

It reminds me of Anifah Aman in London, looking all swank for the western press, talking about ‘guaranteeing protestor’s freedoms’ and ‘quitting if the right to protest is taken away’ and such nonsense.

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