Zaid to PKR: Don’t ape Umno’s hypocrisy

By Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim is worried that his party may become as hypocritical as Umno. Criticising PKR’s election code of ethics for being too similar to Umno’s, he took issue with the ban on criticising party leaders and the prohibition of the use of money in campaigning.

“If certain leaders cannot be criticised, how does the party improve itself, how does it progress to another level?” he said in a blog posting on

On the prohibition of money politics, he noted that even Hari Raya open houses would be closely monitored. This, he said, was extremely Umno-like.

“I suppose the implication is that open houses that are too lavish can sway voters,” he said, adding that it would be disgraceful if members of PKR, a party striving for good, could be bought with food.

Zaid, who announced recently that he would not vie for any post in the coming party election, said he would be campaigning for “able and honest” young candidates.

He said an election code of ethics should be reasonable and enforced without favouritism.

