Abu Kassim Mohamed, are you now going to resign? (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

On Saturday, 31st July 2010, the MACC Chief, Abu Kassim Mohamed, pledged to resign if any graft reports were not investigated by his agency. Tomorrow, Malaysia Today is going to reveal reports, letters and documents of one such corruption case that has been swept under the carpet. Malaysia Today’s question to Abu Kassim is: will you now resign?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

MACC chief pledges to ‘spare no one’ in anti-graft war

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed said he was willing to quit if it could be proven that graft reports against Cabinet ministers were not investigated.

He pledged to spare no one in the commission’s anti-graft war.

“If there is a case or report made against any minister and we do not investigate, I am willing to step down,” he said in response to a question during a session on the “Challenges Ahead for MACC” held on the last day of the 15th Malaysian Law Conference here yesterday.

Abu Kassim also concurred with a suggestion by former Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreene­vasan to require ministers, the judiciary and MPs to publicly declare their assets, describing it as “very, very important.”

The MACC, he explained, had no prosecution powers as its role was to investigate corruption cases as accorded under the law.

He was, however, non-committal on whether the body would push for it to be given prosecution powers, stating that the decision was not theirs to make.

In his talk, Abu Kassim noted that MACC was faced with various challenges, especially negative public perception including alleged bias. — The Star, 1 August 2010


Malaysia’s Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief, Abu Kassim Mohamed, said he was willing to resign if it could be proven that his agency did not investigate corruption reports.

Tomorrow, Malaysia Today will be publishing the evidence that will prove one such corruption case was swept under the carpet and no action was taken (NFA).

So stay tuned as we ‘assist’ the MACC Chief in conducting the investigation, which the MACC should have conducted but did not. Then the MACC Chief can explain why he is not resigning.


Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-post_7517.html

