NCR land: Former BN Minister sues Taib-linked company

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: A former Sarawak Barisan Nasional assistant Minister of Agriculture and Community Development, Ramsay Jitam, is suing a company linked to Chief Minister Taib Mahmud for taking away his ancestral land.

Jitam has filed a writ of summons against Khidmat Mantap Sdn Bhd, a whole-owned company by Naim Cendera Holdings over a piece of land measuring 12.141 ha which he claimed to be his Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.

The land which he and his brother Harold Jitam inherited from his ancestors is part of lot 533 block 14 Muara Tuang land district, Kuching.

The writ of summons which was filed early this month also named the superintendent of Lands and Surveys, Kota Samarahan and the State government as second and third defendants respectively.

A former deputy commissioner of police, Jitam retired in 1983 and joined the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP).

He was elected as the state assemblyman for Lundu from 1983 until 2006 and held the post of Assistant Minister in Taib’s cabinet.

Meanwhile, Naim Holdings, a company owned by relatives of Taib, confirmed its subsidiary has received the writ of summon.

