Don Quixote

don quixote

The unseen enemy are the ones we placed our confidence in and voted for. They are the ones who betrayed us, took us for granted, treated us like sheep, and instilling in us a fear of perceived Racial Tensions. Most of us Malays know the truth, but does the Non-Malay know that? And wasn’t it someone that said that it was the Non-Malays who kept the present regime in power all this while?

By Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain

Let’s put everything into perspective. Helen Ang (CPI columnist) should not have touched on religious sensitivities in her columns. Not with the likes of Perkasa and Don Quixote lurking around the corner. Put it simply, the freedom of Speech in this country is somewhat muted. And your right to free speech only goes as far as your willingness to face persecution. That is unless you join Perkasa. They are the only organization in this country that has the sole Right to Freedom of Speech. They keep referring everyone to be charged under the ISA. Even the Chosen One says that he doesn’t mind being imprisoned under the ISA, than to relinquish his right to Freedom of Speech.

‘Doa’ or Prayers has been around since time immemorial, at every official function, attended by Muslim and Non-Muslims. Even during Chinese or Indian Festival Open Houses attended by governmental VIP’s, special Prayers are offered. Although Government Officials do not participate, you would not see them fidgeting, laughing or playing with their handphones while Prayers are being offered to deities. They still keep a respectful attitude until the end of prayers. So Helen Ang’s unwitty comments did touch a raw nerve, and got singled out. Even though it is her own personal opinion, Perkasa as always will not let it rest.

Then Don Quixote came along after this episode and rekindled the flames. His depiction of Cinasia and Indiasia is intolerable, and a mark of disrespect to the Non-Malays. What has Helen Ang’s remark got to do with the rest of the non-Malays in this country? Why is he trying to tell the non-Malays to behave themselves? What has the non-Malays done, to make him so agitated? Does Helen Ang look like a windmill?

At times his argument does not hold water. He chides Helen for having a Christian name instead of a Chinese name. For all we know, Helen might be a Christian. We know he is Malay, because of his Muslim name. But is he? Muslims must live up to their names.

His call to Non-Malays to leave this country if they are unhappy with the system is totally unwarranted. Such unkind remarks are unfit for public consumption, especially his call for Helen’s children to leave and study in her homeland. Homeland?!! What homeland? Helen has as much right as DQ to reside in this country we call home. Hey!! We the Malays are not as cruel as that!!! This country belongs to all Malaysians and may God bless us all!

The way he defends Malay and Muslim Rights makes everyone including Malays think that Islam and Malays are under siege. The Malays are not amused. Let us pick our own fight and stop making us look small. It will be nobler for him to spread the Divine word of God (Islam) to non-believers, or chide backsliding Muslims than to pick a fight with the Non-Malays. So embarrassing!!!

What clearly stands out through his arguments is that there is tension building up between the Races and unless the Non-Malays back off, they should go home. That is absolutely bullshit. There is no tension building up. Malays have been very comfortable with the Chinese and Indians for half a century. Malays are not against other religions or other cultures. Malays are not unhappy living together with other races. If Malays were unhappy 50 years ago, we would have chased everyone out, including Mamaks, Eurasians, Bumiputras, Babanyonyas and non-Malays. And we would have lived in peace as One Nation and One Race. But No, Malays are very happy to have Non-Malays around, and very happy to share this country’s wealth together.

Chinese, Indians and other Bumiputras are also very comfortable living and working among each other. Other than May 13 1969 no one has felt any racial tensions in this country. So why is DQ so worked up?!!

The unseen enemy are the ones we placed our confidence in and voted for. They are the ones who betrayed us, took us for granted, treated us like sheep, and instilling in us a fear of perceived Racial Tensions. Most of us Malays know the truth, but does the Non-Malay know that? And wasn’t it someone that said that it was the Non-Malays who kept the present regime in power all this while?
