Reply to “bigben“ in article “Is this one more shit about to hit the fan“

We are very concerned that certain parties/personalities who have conflicting agendas have posted slanderous remarks against Councillor Derek Fernandez and we suggest that unsubstantiated postings of such nature be removed as they appear to be against fair play & justice (and may even be considered to be “criminal defamation“ by some). 

By Johan Tung Abdullah, President APAC

Please allow us to present another perspective to the Billboards issues highlighted by certain postings by “Bigben“. 

APAC represents 20 PJ Residents’ Association members. I am the current President, and also the president of RA5 PJ.

I am not a member to any political party and have in many instances crossed swords with MBPJ on several major issues like the Budget preparations, Cukai Taksiran reduction, and many instances of Planning Approval applications. 

We submit our views below as within our knowledge or known to us after reviewing relevant documents, and attendance of many meetings on the Billboards issue, and humbly submit them to be fair and unbiased: 

  • MBPJ’s Billboard policy is a post-March 2008  product, after much input and deliberations by many stakeholders – OAAM (Advertising associations such as AA, and AAA, and other related industry Professionals), APAC (representing PJ residents), and MBPJ.

    Essentially the Policy Guidelines formulated aim to regulate the Outdoor advertising industry and ensure revenue to MBPJ (for the benefit of PJ ratepayers).

    The Selangor State Government recognizes the benefits of the MBPJ Billboard policy guidelines and have adopted the same for the whole of Selangor.

    APAC supports and endorses the MBPJ Billboard policy, and from Press reports, (we stand corrected) the Outdoor Association Of M’sia is also supportive of it. 

  • The implementation of guidelines requires DIFFERENT Sub-Committees:
    1. an Inspection Committee (for NEW sites approval) comprising of representatives from OAAM, APAC, and at least TWO (2) MBPJ Councillors and MBPJ staff from relevant technical departments.
    1. a Committee to determine the rental rates to be paid by the billboard operator
    2. a Committee responsible for the determination and implementation for the dismantling & removal of illegal billboards.

      (APAC again is represented) 

    We believe that Derek Fernandez does NOT sit in any of the above 3 Sub-Committees.

    He was responsible for the task of overall policy management and legal framework, which at the end of the day had to be endorsed and approved by the MBPJ Full Board. We opine checks & balances are in place. 

  • The new Billboard Policy ensures that Billboard Operators pay rentals (to MBPJ/rate payers) for the Commercial benefits they derived from Government land they utilized. We understand from MBPJ that 54 out of the 56 Operators have accepted this guideline.

    APAC shares this view that this a just and fair cost of doing business and this revenue should benefit the MBPJ ratepayers. 

  • On further enquiry, MBPJ clarified the types of approvals for Billboards:
    1. Those within full compliance of the guidelines
    1. Those who do not meet the full compliances, BUT are judged (by the Committee mentioned above) as not being an immediate threat to Public safety. MBPJ recognizing commercial obligations by the Operators, allow such billboards to  stand until December 2011
    1. Those who voluntarily remove “dangerous“ billboards when asked to do so are “relocated“ to new sites
    1. Some new sites were also allowed to the “smaller“ operators
    2. ALL existing operators with sites were given the first right of refusal to take up the site on the new terms, irrespective of political affiliations

(In the case of Karisma Vista, we are reliably informed that it was the Selangor Government that terminated their contract for the sites as all those sites belonged to the Selangor Government). 

Implementation of Policy have always been a challenge, and with certain parties resisting the changes due to their bottom lines being affected, and throw in business rivalry & jealousy, there are bound to be threats, lies and disinformation to discredit the few dedicated persons who are trying to ensure that the PJ rate payers interests are protected by the full implementation of new MBPJ Billboards Policy guidelines. 

APAC views the timely dismantling of illegal billboards being an essential part of the Policy, and are encouraged when in the last MBPJ Full Board meeting of July 28, 2010, Councillor Derek Fernandez highlighted our shared concern that the Illegal billboards are too slow in being dismantled.

MBPJ then approved that another THREE (3) contractors  be appointed to the panel (currently only 1), and as an incentive, the contractors will be allowed to keep/sell the metal structures in addition to the RM750 fee for each job. 

APAC perseveres to protect the rights and interests of the PJ rate payers and we recognize the good and hard work of MBPJ in having the political will and determination in the formulation and implementation of the MBPJ Billboard Policy.

Credit must be given when and where it is due , and we say “SYABAS“ to MBPJ . 

We are very concerned that certain parties/personalities who have conflicting agendas have posted slanderous remarks against Councillor Derek Fernandez and we suggest that unsubstantiated postings of such nature be removed as they appear to be against fair play & justice (and may even be considered to be “criminal defamation“ by some).

For the record, Residents Association Section 5 PJ is truly appreciative of Derek’s hard work and contributions as the MBPJ Councillor for our Section 5 Community.

APAC stands behind MBPJ (and Derek Fernandez) on the merits and implementation of the Billboard Policy.  

Thank you. 

Yours faithfully , 

-signed –

Johan Tung Abdullah
