Documents of another ‘Ronnie crony’ emerge

By Teoh El Sen and Rahmah Ghazali, Free Malaysia Today

FMT EXCLUSIVE PETALING JAYA: As the pressure mounts for several Selangor DAP leaders to resign over the support letter imbroglio, new documents have surfaced to indicate more alleged abuse of power. Documents sent to FMT by an anonymous source today showed that the Pandamaran new village chief Yap Hock Siew had issued a letter of support to a company belonging to him to procure a contract for the maintenance and cleaning of river floodgates.

This was purportedly endorsed by Selangor state exco and Pandamaran assemblyman Ronnie Liu.

Among the documents was a letter dated June 17 this year. It was sent by First Team Enterprise to Klang Municipal Council president Anuar Abd Wahab, and the letter bore what appeared to be the seal and signature of Liu.

The letter was an application for the maintennance and cleaning works of a floodgate at Jalan Papan Pandamaran.

There was also a letter of support to the council president from Pandamaran new village chief Yap to back First Team’s application for the contract on the same date.

The source also included a report from the Companies Commission of Malaysia which stated that Yap owned First Team.

Same principle applies for all

Commenting on this, a party leader, who wished to remain anonymous, said the party must look into the matter.

“If the DAP discliplinary committee and Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim held that Tee Boon Hock had committed an offence, then tell me, is this not a direct conflict of interest as well?

“How can a village head support his own company? Right or wrong is not for us to say, but if you apply one principle on Tee, then it should be applied on everyone. Plus, Ronnie (Liu) must have known about Yap’s position, why did he still support it?” he said.

Tee was sacked from DAP and as a Klang municipal councillor for allegedly misusing Liu’s letterhead and seal to procure contracts for his son and cronies.

Meanwhile, FMT was also furnished with a letter of support signed by Liu on April 14, 2008 backing five companies to be nominated as contractors for cleaning works, including First Team.

Also on the list were Perkhidmatan AA, owned by Tee’s son, and Wira M&E Sdn Bhd, the company for whom Selangor Speaker Teng Chang Khim had reporetdly issued a support letter for.

‘Money is for the people’

Contacted later, Yap told FMT that he did not get any contracts since he was appointed as the village head this year.

