Chinese-speaking Malay DJ in trouble

By Patrick Lee, Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: Popular 98.8 FM DJ Jamaluddin Ibrahim has been asked to go on leave after receiving a letter from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

Known as Jamal to his fans, the DJ hosts the “Say Hi to Malaysia” morning programme from Monday to Friday.

“I was notified by the management yesterday evening to take leave for the present,” he told FMT, adding that his leave was “indefinite”.

Jamal said the radio station received a letter from the MCMC which carried a complaint about his programme.

“The letter said that my comments have influenced the security of the country. (It also said) my comments on race relations were not acceptable,” he added.

Asked if he knew why a complaint was filed, Jamal replied, “I really don’t know. The MCMC didn’t mention (if there was) something wrong.”

The DJ has been asked to report to the MCMC’s office in Cyberjaya tomorrow morning.

