At Ringside: Dato’ Ramli Yusuff Acquitted For The 3rd Time!

Din Merican

My comment yesterday was just a curtain raiser. Here is my ringside account of the Dato Ramli Yusuff’s acquittal by Judge S.M Komathy Suppiah.

At 4pm sharp on August 20, 2010,  the KL Criminal Sessions Court Judge SM Komathy Suppiah asked Dato’ Ramli  Yusuff to stand up and then  pronounced: “ Dato’ Ramli, I find that the Prosecution has not established a prima facie case against you, your defence is not required and I hereby acquit you!”

This is the last of the series of cases leveled by the Unholy Trinity of the AG Gani Patail, the IGP Musa Hassan and the MACC.

The public at the gallery clapped. The pretty Judge smiled and then retired to her chambers. Dato’ Ramli’s friends and family members surged to him, some  hugged him, others shook his hands. Tears dropped from Dato’ Ramli’s eyes and rolled down his cheeks. Tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of gratitude to the Almighty God for having given him full vindication.

Dato’ Ramli walked up to thank the hands of his most eloquent counsel, the eminent Dato’ Seri Shafee Abdullah. Dato’ Ramli walked to DPP Tuan Ahmad Bache and shook his hands too. A display of the finest breed of gentleman who would thank his own prosecutor. This was the scene in court on the acquittal of Dato’ Ramli for the third time.

Dato’ Ramli walked up to thank the hands of his most eloquent counsel, the eminent Dato’ Seri Shafee Abdullah.

A Possible End of Trumped Charges by the Unholy Trinity

This is the last of the series of cases leveled by the Unholy Trinity of the AG Gani Patail, the IGP Musa Hassan and the MACC. It is very telling that despite deploying the whole of might of the most potent law enforcement agencies and supposedly the best brain in the AG’s Chambers, not one of the charges leveled against Dato’ Ramli could stick. The charges could not stick because these were trumped up charges. These trumped up charges build from fabricated evidence was like trying to spread rotten egg on a teflon coated frying pan, it would just peel off. These fabricated charges crumbled once the facts are presented before a fair court.

The charges could not stick because these were trumped up charges.

Sessions Court Shows Independence and Fairness in dispensing Justice

It is with great hope that we see the Sessions Court showing independence and fairness in dispensing justice, transgressor of the law just when the High Courts and the so called Superior Courts have failed and disappointed us, countless times again and again.  An indictment of the failure of the superior courts could not be more damning than a recent statement from the former Justice NH Chan in describing Augustine Paul as an obnoxious man who was not fit to be called a judge. In NH Chan’s mind, Augustine Paul was a transgressor of the law and thus violated the oath of his office.

The same should therefore be said of men like Musa Hassan, Gani Patail and now Abu Kassim for violating the oath of their offices. Enough ugly things have been said of Musa Hassan – Mattress Carrier and Fixer, but nothing more damning than when he tried to sway the court against the witnesses who had spoken in favour of Dato’ Ramli during the Sabah case.

The Sabah Case (Round 1)

Musa held the post of Bukit Aman prosecution/criminal law deputy assistant director in 1995 and Johor Chief Police Officer in 2003.

The IGP Musa Hassan made the biggest mistake when he appeared as the Prosecution’s 75th witness in order to rebut all the other police directors who had given evidence earlier. In the end, Judge Supang Lian damned Musa Hassan in clear unequivocal terms when the Judge said that Musa’s “ evidence was incredible and not to be believed”. Never before in the history of the legal annals has an IGP been damned with such words. In Japan, a four star general , which the IGP indeed has four stars on his shoulders,  would commit  harakri to save his honour. Do you know why Musa would not do? It’s because he has none!

Kuala Lumpur Case (Round 2)

AG Gani appealed but lost before High Court Judge Rahman Sebli. So in Sabah, Dato’ Ramli had won two acquittals- one before a Sessions Court Judge and another before a High Court Judge. The same thing happened before Judge M Gunalen, when Dato’ Seri Shafee Abdullah showed that many of the MACC witnesses had lied, especially the faggot DPP Kevin Morais. I have written extensively about this in my article “The Liar Kevin Morais buried in his lies”.

Kuala Lumpur Case (Round 3)

Then yesterday, we have the pretty Judge SM Komathy also acquitting Dato’ Ramli. As explained by Dato’ Seri Shafee Abdullah, it is significant that in all the three cases, Dato’ Ramli was acquitted without his defence being called. It is significant because it means that the prosecution had failed to prove a prima facie case. In layman’s term it means that the prosecution had not shown there was a case. In street terms, it means there was no case. It means the IGP, the MACC and the AG made up a case. It means they tried to fix Ramli but failed. Bad men plot but God disposes their conspiracies!

In mathematical terms, they tried to fix Dato’ Ramli three times for three different charges in three separate courts before three different judges but failed. In doing a headcount, it means that 3 senior Sessions Court Judges and 1 High Court Judge had found Dato’ Ramli innocent. Judge Supang Lian and Judge M Gunalen have since been elevated to the High Court. So that makes it three High Court  Judges and 1 Sessions Court Judge i.e. a total of 4 Judges have found that Dato’ Ramli was innocent. Is that full vindication or what?


