Jeffrey: Only Pakatan can ensure locals head federal agencies

By Luke Rintod, Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: There is nothing to be euphoric on the appointment of a Sabahan to finally head its Immigration Department as it is too little and too late, PKR vice-president, Jeffrey Kitingan, here said today. “Of course we are happy a Sabahan in the person of Mohamad Mentek has been appointed Immigration director; however, we must help him to exercise his power to protect the sovereignty of this country,” he said when commenting on the appointment, which was trumpeted by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) this week.

Jeffrey said it was not enough to have a Sabahan as federal director. More importantly, the person should share the political will of the chief minister who must exercise his autonomous power on immigration as provided for by law, he added.

“Only a PKR-led Pakatan Rakyat government can guarantee that almost all, if not all, the federal departments and agencies in Sabah and Sarawak will be headed by locals respectively. This is because PKR had agreed with the two Bornean states to ‘Borneonise’ federal agencies.

“Immediately, when we form the federal government, at least 30% of the federal departments here shall be headed by locals. We will gradually put locals to head virtually all departments where we have capable Sabahans and Sarawakians,” he said, adding that the staff must also be locals.


