Is the country safe if Mindef is run by an idiot?


If you let the public know that you think the defence ministry and the three armed services have failed in their job, then you are a traitor. If you “damage” the country’s image, then you are a traitor. “Image” is more important than the security or defence of the country.

By uppercaise

Idiots in high places, No. 1

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

The defence minister has a weird definition of “treachery”, of being a “traitor”. Apparently, if you let the public know that you think the defence ministry and the three armed services have failed in their job, then you are a traitor. If you “damage” the country’s image, then you are a traitor. Going by his words, “image” is more important than the security or defence of the country.

Mind-boggling in its crass stupidity, that surely qualifies Ahmad Zahid and his ministry as well as the heads of the three armed services, and especially the Navy, of being utter idiots.

An idiot is someone who thinks “image” is more important than the security or defence of the federation.

An idiot is someone who has forgotten that:

  • The job of the defence ministry and of the three armed services is to defend and protect the people of Malaysia, and defend and protect all the things that belong to the people.
  • Among the things that belong to the people are:
    • all the land and sea territories within Malaysian borders;
    • all the equipment, goods and services that the people of Malaysia have paid for so that the armed services can do the job of protecting and defending the people of Malaysia and their possessions
  • This equipment includes jet fighters and their engines, submarines, tanks, patrol craft, frigates and corvettes, landing ships, tanks, armoured vehicles and guns.
  • All those things are the property of the people of Malaysia. The people of Malaysia paid for them and provided them to the armed services.
  • So when we, the people of Malaysia, ask the caretakers what did you do with our money, we are using our God-given right, as with any employer, to know what our paid caretakers have been up to.

So now we, the people of Malaysia, want to know:

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