Sarawak Pakatan’s new battlecry ‘Aram Berubah’

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: A new battle-cry, ‘Aram Berubah’, is set to echo throughout Sarawak in preparation for the forthcoming state elections. “Aram Berubah” is ‘Let’s Change’ in the Iban language.

Embracing the phrase last night, former law minister and PKR supreme council member Zaid Ibrahim flagged the new cry as he launched a scathing attack on Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, who he described as a “white elephant” monster.

His call for change “Aram Berubah” stirred the more than 300 diners at a PKR function organised by the Lubok Antu division.

“Changing Taib with another of the Barisan Nasional is not good enough. It is no different. We must change Taib and his government and replace with Pakatan Rakyat chief minister and government.” he said.

“This is our mission for the coming election, and the people must understand this,” he said, pointing out that Sarawakians must come forward in order to create a new political culture.

Zaid also stressed that the Pakatan Rakyat must be well prepared to face this monster, the “white elephant” which is very powerful and very rich.

“He is being supported by the government machinery including the police and the election commission.

“So it is important that we have proper planning and logistical support to fight him and his government and be ready for BN’s cheating and money” he added.

Be the agents of change

At the same event, Sarawak PKR chairman Baru Bian urged his fellow members to be ‘agents of change’.

“We cannot expect other people to change; it must begin with ourselves and for me, I am the agent of change.

“We do not have radio and television Malaysia (RTM) such as TV1, TV2 and TV3 or any other channel to pass our message for change to the people.

“But let us be the agents of change ourselves by visiting all the longhouses and villages and tell them about Pakatan Rakyat and its mission,” he said.

“Tell them that with their support this is the best time to change Taib’s government,” he said.

Another PKR leader vice president Jeffrey Kitingan, said in his speech that the state BN had begun “to feel the heat” of their (PKR) ceramah.

