Serious flooding in Sarawak

By Hornbill Unleashed

We are not amused! Didn’t BN said (during Sibu by-election) that 7 of 11 mitigation projects in Sibu have been completed? Where has all the money gone to?

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Floods in Sarawak

By Dr. John Brian Anthony

Hard Hit areas

(1) Sibu Braces for bigger floods.

38 evacuation centres in sibu, eight in Selangau identified and placed on standby. The rainfall is abnormal in August and it rains almost every night.

(2) Flood in Kapit, worst in six years.

Many schools and longhouses were submerged in one to eight feet of water.

Song and Katibas also suffers from frequent flood.

Worsening flood

I can see that flood can only get worst in each coming year. The authority is asking NGOs and government civil servant for help to manage the flood response plan.

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