Awang: Newsweek ranking proves BN not corrupt

(Bernama) – Malaysia’s 37th ranking on “The World’s Best Countries” list by Newsweek magazine has proven the opposition wrong.

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin said opposition allegations that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government was corrupt and bankrupt were unfounded.

“They should be thankful to the government and not make such baseless allegations,” he told reporters after breaking fast with Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) staff in Tangok last night.

Malaysia was ranked 37th for top global nations by economy, politics, education, health, and quality of life.

Newsweek placed Malaysia above Indonesia, Thailand, China, Philippines, India and Vietnam.

The magazine also ranked Malaysia 8th best in the world in education among developing countries.

Awang urged the opposition to stop spreading “lies” to make the people hate the government like Felda was bankrupt, cruel and neglected the poor Malays.

Reform undertaken by the government had proved fruitful as many children of farmers and fishermen had attained higher education and better quality of life.

“I am the son of a fisherman while International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed is the son of a tobacco grower. This can’t be found in other countries where success is only for aristocrats.”

Awang said initiatives like the New Economic Model NEM), Economic Transformation Plan and the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) would strengthen government policies.

