Desecration of Surau in Negeri Sembilan Only Unites Malaysians

Joint Civil Society Statement


1. We, the undersigned NGOs, condemn the desecration of the Surau in Taman Pulai Impian, Sikamat, Seremban, which reportedly happened in the wee hours of August 23 (Monday). 

2. The perpetrator(s) has/have committed a heinous crime but in no way should this be read as an instance of religious conflict. The desecration of one place of worship is tantamount to a dastardly attack on all places of worship in our beloved land. 

3. Last year, also on the eve of Merdeka celebration, we had the cow‐head protest in Shah Alam aimed at creating tension and fear between the Muslims and Hindus. The sinister plot, however, failed miserably because Malaysians of all faith backgrounds united and stood up against them. 

4. This time they too will fail. We appeal to all peace‐loving Malaysians to stay calm and not fall into the trap set by ultra right‐wing elements bent on brazenly exploiting ethno‐religious primordial sentiments. 

5. We call upon the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to send a clear signal to the People by unequivocally condemning the perpetrators of a series of incidents aimed at disrupting peace and harmony of the nation. The PM must ensure that PDRM investigates this desecration incident professionally. 

6. Regrettably, these developments have been surreptitiously fomented and exploited by certain irresponsible elements within our society. These seem to be orchestrated by a hidden hand with ulterior motives to create tension and a climate of fear in our multi‐ethnic and multi‐faith society. 

7. We cannot allow these irresponsible elements to hijack democracy and undermine our nationhood. All of us must stand up for and in solidarity with each other as fellow citizens. 

8. We wholeheartedly support the call of the Chairman of the Surau Committee, Encik Mohd. Hasbi Ismail, for all parties to remain calm, and to let the PDRM complete its investigations and bring the perpetrator(s) to book. Ordinary citizens must not take the law into their own hands. 

Endorsing Civil Society Groups

1. Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia [SABM]

2. Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)

3. Centre for Policy Initiatives

4. SACCESS, Sarawak

5. The Micah Mandate


7. Centre for Orang Asli Concerns

8. Civil Rights Committee of KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall


10. Friends In Conversation [FIC]

11. Islamic Renaissance Front [IRF]

12. LLG Cultural Development Centre

13. PeBT MPSJ Zon 23

14. Persatuan Penduduk Taman Muhibbah

15. Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section

16. Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Kuala Lumpur,Selangor & Perak (Prihatin)

17. Malaysian Voters Union (MALVU)

18. SOS(Save Ourselves)

19. Penangwatch

20. LLG Cultural Development Centre

21. Penang Independent Schools Education Society

22. Muslim Professionals Forum

23. Bar Council Malaysia

24. BERSIH 2.0 Coalition

25. Durham Malaysian Scholars (DMS)  

This statement is initiated by Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia [SABM].
