Stirring the Hornet’s Nest

Black Ops is failing, with poor implementation. Frustration is setting in. The enemy is running out of time. Cracks are appearing in what was once an impenetrable fortress for 53 years. Internal bickering is going live. For each failed black ops operation, people everywhere are starting to smell something fishy going on.

By Capt Iskandar Dzulkarnain

Based on the recent turn of events, many of us are led to believe that Black Ops is now in operation. Everything seems to be falling into place, and the partisan media is warning us of a bigger war worse than May 13.

Of late, the criticism levelled at the Opposition has risen to new levels, with fault finding from Defence secrets to offending Sultans and the King. It also goes to show how much respect we have of our Royalty. Even the Chosen One and Don Quixote seem to be siding each other, on their relentless quest to defend Malay Rights.

Dr Mahathir, in his twilight years, has stepped up the ante with his daily dose of dogma in the interests of Malay Supremacy. The daily rebuttals from the public towards his speeches do not seem to stop him. Why do we continue to criticize him, or try to change his perception? For whatever reason, he does not want to see a change in government but he knows more than any of us that a change is imminent and inevitable. He will continue to speak his mind as long as there is an audience out there. If his rationale is sensible, even I will agree with him. Energy is better spent in preparation to take over the nation, picking up the pieces and preparing the birth of a new nation.

Soon you will see many more BN leaders climbing over each other to speak out and find faults with the system. Every little fault will be blown out of proportion.

Even the opposite sex will not be spared. Police reports have been made against a CPI analyst, a DAP assemblywoman, a PKR MP, and even a school headmistress. And we always thought that it was a macho thing not to involve the weaker sex in any of our disputes.

Black Ops is failing, with poor implementation. Frustration is setting in. The enemy is running out of time. Cracks are appearing in what was once an impenetrable fortress for 53 years. Internal bickering is going live. For each failed black ops operation, people everywhere are starting to smell something fishy going on.

Non-Malays should know that most true blue blooded Malays and Muslims have written off UMNO and BN. The word is being observantly whispered in a sombre mood everywhere that they are abandoning BN for good. They are not going to stand by and let BN continue plundering the nation, taking them for fools, belittling them and the Religion; but most of all they simply cannot stand their high and mighty hypocritical attitude.

Put it this way, there are really a lot of true blue blooded Malays out there who recognize meritocracy and the importance to work hard to earn a living. But then we also have a lot of half baked Malays out there, trying to fight for Malay Rights without justification. But the way they do it sounds so false that even Malays can see through their façade. In the Armed Forces and the Police, there are over 80 percent true Malays and Muslims who will justly defend this country from imploding should an emergency arise. The only drawback is that they are led by shady hypocritical characters that are pulling all the strings.

And again the issue of Hudud Laws is in the forefront to confuse Non-Muslims. Syariah, like Hudud Laws, has already been implemented in this nation for many years. Have the Non-Muslims ever felt its presence? Has it in any way affected the lives of Non-Muslims in this country? Most Non-Muslims who have no understanding of Hudud tend to conjure horrifying pictures of severed limbs. Me too, until I took the trouble to do some research and found it to be otherwise.

Picture this scenario: the Opposition wins, and BN is gone for good. PAS later tries to impose Hudud Laws in this country. And should Hudud be implemented in this country, all of us will be delighted to see the corrupt, the daylight robbers, the rapists, and the scum of the earth all marching in line to pay for their sins and meet their fate. This scenario is too farfetched by any standards, and I believe it will never come this far.

And if PAS tries to impose their will (Not God’s Will) on Non-Muslims, the people can and will still vote them out in the next two elections. It is the People’s Power that determines the future of this nation. It is also the People that will be the Boss! PR, if it comes into power, must know that and the People will not hesitate to kick them out if there is any hanky panky. Hudud is a non issue so we should let it rest and concentrate on the important things first.

Lastly, there are no racial issues in this country. What the world says of Malaysia is true. We are one of the only nations in this world that is truly cosmopolitan, and everyone is comfortable and courteous to each other. The level of comfort between the races is so high that it borders on amazing. BN, however, wants Malaysians to think otherwise. The psychological war (Black Ops) is not effective, and plots are poorly hatched, fizzling out each time it is implemented that even the plot hatchers are shaking their heads in disbelief!! But the Danger remains. IF they break through this psychological barrier, and the virus starts spreading, you will see a lot of zombies fighting each other for survival. So take heed and be patient.

Not everyone can be a racist. It is in the DNA and you cannot fault a racist, if he is one. But only about 0.02 percent of people have faulty genes, so that is why we can smell a racist a mile away. We should not shun them. Like Zaid says, it’s only a psychological disorder. Nothing to worry about! 
