School Principals & myEffingStory / fairly current: PAS MP Dr. MUJAHID YUSOF RAWA

Hi PopTeeVee peoples,

Here’s your weekly does of Effing & Fairly Current:

That Effing Show #29 – School Principals & myEffingStory

As if dealing with racist statements from politicians isn’t enough, its a whole other thing when school principals are in on the act too!  While the ‘he said-she said’ rhetoric plays out in the media, we turn the tables on these educators for once and teach them a lesson or two.  Watch them get schooled here:

Also, our friends at Astro inspired us (again!) to spoof another one of their programmes during this Merdeka/Malaysia Day period.  The victim this time ? MyStory!

The Fairly Current Show #111 – Dr. Mujahid Yusof Rawa

In May 2010, PAS reached a milestone when it launched the Dewan Himpunan Penyokong PAS (PAS Supporters Congress), a body which it hopes will help galvanize support from non-Muslim Malaysians for the Islamic party.  Even so, questions about PAS’ true intentions with this body abound.  Is it there to merely gain sympathy votes?  Will PAS use this platform to pursue its own Islamic agendas, if ever Pakatan Rakyat takes over Putrajaya?  Or is this move reflective of a larger shift in thinking within this grassroots religious-based political party? 

This week we speak with Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa on these concerns, contestations within PAS, and glimpses of the future for the party.  YB Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa is PAS MP for Parit Buntar, and author of the newly-published Menuju PAS Baru (TMI) and Kitakan Orang Malaysia (Buku Siasah).  Watch it here:


That Effing Show! (Inception, Mahasiswa & Puasa Power)

The Fairly Current Show (Fahmi Reza on Student Power!)

PopIN (info network for M’sian youth)   /  Inglorious Busted:

Five Arts Centre

