Wrong of rakyat to think they can give Opposition a try, says MCA president

By TheStar

KUALA LUMPUR: It is wrong for the rakyat to assume that they can give the Opposition “a try” in the next general election because PAS will not give up on its Islamic agenda, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

The present squabble between PAS and DAP over hudud law, he added, should serve as an eye-opener to all Malaysians.

“The rakyat can vote for Pakatan Rakyat, but the Opposition will end up quarrelling after that; and the rakyat will be the ones suffering,” he told a press conference after chairing the MCA presidential council meeting here yesterday.

He was replying to a question whether Pakatan could form the federal government when PAS and DAP kept quarrelling over the hudud law issue.

To another question on the perception of the Chinese community that the MCA did not come to the defence of the four 988 deejays who were suspended recently, Dr Chua replied that the party had always practised a non-interference policy on the radio station and Star Publications (M) Bhd.

“We have never monitored them and we cannot come to their defence when they get into trouble because that will mean that we practise double standards,” he said.

Dr Chua added that questions about the issue should be directed to the company concerned, he added.

“MCA values the freedom of press. As in all freedom, it comes with a sense of responsibility, more so in a multiracial society,” he said

On the slow reaction from the Government to the cases of the two principals who allegedly uttered racist remarks, Dr Chua said: “The Government is not slow; but it must understand the true situation before any action can be taken. This is to be fair to the teachers and the students.”
