Constructive Criticisms or Defective Denials?


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He claims that our country has developed much faster than other developing countries. Well, … he ruled the country for TWENTY-TWO years. Since then, our neighbouring countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Korea, even Indonesia have overtaken us in many areas despite obstacles/weaknesses.

By masterwordsmith

We all know he loves to talk and his latest tirade garbed with supposed constructive criticism veils his defective denials. What irks many is his unstoppable onslaught on certain issues while accenting other points with divisive effects. His latest attack on NEM is no exception.

The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad continued his defence of the pro-Bumiputera New Economic Policy (NEP) today and denied it had impeded growth, even as the Najib administration prepares to gradually reform the system which has been blamed for the country’s lack of competitiveness. He said that he had written to Datuk Seri Najib Razak to offer his advice and let him know what he thought of the New Economic Model (NEM).

He opined that it is not true that the country cannot grow because of NEP because it has actually helped our country to develop much faster than other developing countries. As such, he said that one cannot say that NEP is an obstruction and reiterated that Umno risks losing support from the Malays if the party continues to neglect the community. He said that the existence of many Malay NGOs taking up the problem faced by the Malays showed that Malays have lost confidence with Umno’s ability to protect their rights.

Nick actually wrote a very good post about the NEP and you can read it HERE.

Let’s consider TDM’s ‘constructive criticisms’.

He claims that our country has developed much faster than other developing countries. Well, it seems to be that he is trapped in the past.

He ruled the country for TWENTY-TWO years. Since then, our neighbouring countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Korea, even Indonesia have overtaken us in many areas despite obstacles/weaknesses.

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