Dr M fears ‘burial’ in Pakatan dawn

By Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s hard-hitting words are a clear reflection of his fear of Pakatan Rakyat winning the next general election. According to PAS information chief Idris Ahmad, this is the 84-year-old former premier’s worst nightmare. “He knows he will be lynched and buried… he’s afraid for his future.”

Idris believes that it is this fear that has warped Mahathir’s perception and this is why he is purposely refusing to understand the current political scenario in the country.

He said PAS is disappointed in Mahathir’s threatening statements warning Malays to unite or face political extinction in the hands of the non-Malays.

“There is no such thing as Malays losing their power base. We have repeatedly told the people, ‘if Umno loses, the winner is PAS’. We know we (PAS) will be facing-off with Umno in all the Malay strongholds. We also know that we have a stronger case. PAS has a principled stand, our policies are long-term and rakyat-friendly compared to Umno’s,” he added.

According to him, Mahathir, whose early political perspectives are ensconced in his infamous Malay Dilemma book which propelled his rise to iconic status, belongs to the “group who pretends” not to understand the realness of the current political landscape.

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The former premier, he said, believes that it is mandatory that Malays unite only under Umno “as if there are no other avenues of uniting”.

“This is the state of the Umno mind. This is the understanding that has been indoctrinated into government servants via the Biro Tata Negara (National Civics Bureau).

“Umno leaders have consistently alleged that only Umno understands progress and knows how to rule. But that theory got lost in the barrage of the 2008 political tsunami,” he said.

“The rakyat now have a choice. They are able to evaluate the capability of Pakatan administrations in Selangor, Kedah and Penang. Although Pakatan governments are considered young, they have managed to expedite rapid changes.


