Sabah PKR leader calms down to accept party decision

(The Star) – Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-president Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan pulled back his punches after cautioning his boss Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim a day earlier not to come to Sabah.

Dr Jeffrey, who was angry over disciplinary action taken against 12 of his key men here, turned up late at Anwar’s press conference yesterday and said that he respected the party’s action.

“I have given my views about the disciplinary action. I now understand that the party has to follow the process of its constitution and I will let the supreme council decide on whether or not to uphold the decision by the disciplinary board,” said Dr Jeffrey.

The 12 members have been suspended for one year for their part in registering Parti Cinta Sabah recently.

Dr Jeffrey did not attend Anwar’s meeting with Sabah PKR leaders but later turned up to accompany him for a ceramah and to break fast.

Anwar said Dr Jeffrey had spoken to him over the phone on several occasions prior to his arrival and after making the statement telling him (Anwar) not to come to Sabah.

However, Anwar said the trip was already scheduled and it would be difficult to set another date as his schedule was tight due to the fasting month.

“I want to make it clear that Dr Jeffrey is a key leader in the party and there is absolutely no change in our stand regarding him,” he said.

Anwar explained that the disciplinary action was taken as there was evidence that the 12 were named in the application to set up a new party.

