LDP Deputy Dresident Datuk Chin Su Phin press statement in conjunction with joint AGM of 8 LDP west coast divisions

We have done what we want to do and said what he want to say, and we have met Federal leaders to tell what UMNO Sabah should not do. In this matter if leaders should be changed, the power lies with the top BN leaderships. If they still want to protect leaders who are corrupt, abuse their powers and involved in money laundering, I am sure the people will give BN a painful lesson in the next general elections.

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s 1 Malaysia is a good vision.

Nevertheless, this slogan must be followed with action to show to the people that the Barisan Nasional (BN) Government is really committed and working hard in achieving this 1 Malaysia goal, not just rhetoric.

LPD is quite surprise with UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin’s moderate politics as compared to his predecessors. We are glad with Khairy’s political ideology, apart from his conviction towards the 1 Malaysia vision. As the UMNO Youth chief, he could forsee that the support of the Malays after the March 2008 general elections has been split between Umno, Pas and Parti keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Khairy’s moderate politics is a good policy, so if BN wants to achieve 1 Malaysia vision, other leaders in UMNO should emulate him and not an extreme leader like Datuk Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa President.  Ibrahim is fond of urging the Government to use the ISA especially against MCA leaders including recently when MCA touched on the 30 Bumiputera equity issue. If the Government were to invoke the ISA, Ibrahim should be the first person to be arrested.

Nevertheless, it’s our view that only a small number of leaders from the Malay community are with extreme political ideology. We must do away with extreme political ideology because it is very much against the 1 Malaysia vision. Similarly, the elimination of corruption and abuse of powers must be among the first thing the Prime Minister needs to do to achieve this 1 Malaysia vision.

Recently, we read reports on the Internet claiming that 14 Chinese businessmen were involved in money laundering. One top UMNO leader has urged the people not to believe these reports. To me these reports were not rumours. It was reported in the newspapers that busniessman Michael Chia was arrested with a huge amount of cash in Singapore currency while trying to board a private jet by the ICAC in Hong Kong. Is this a rumour?

The reports on the Internet also stated that the 14 businessmen including a lawyer have stashed huge amount of money in their bank accounts overseas. In some of the accounts the amount exceeded RM100 million, and most of these businessmen involved in timber and palm oil plantation. We know for a fact that only one person is vested with the authority to approve timber concession and vast tract of land for palm oil plantation.

This time the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) conducted a massive operation in probing the businessmen and the sources of their money were. This is a very good start and a brave action. Unfortunately, MACC still does not have the power to prosecute, and only have the power to investigate and submit their findings to the Attorney-General Chambers which is vested with the authority to decide a case and prosecute.

I believe the people of Sabah are anxious to know and seeking an explanation on how these businessmen managed to acquire such enormous amount of money. So the MACC has a duty to probe and explain to the people. The people have been speculating that  the money is for political fund. In such as case, this huge amount of political fund belongs to which party. Is political fund also means money laundering? Whether it is political fund or money laundering, there must be a mastermind behind this scam, so we hope the MACC will probe further and catch the mastermind. If the money belonged to the people they have the right to know the whole story.

The people are questioning the credibility of the Federal Attorney-General Chambers and they have a high expectation.Unfortunately, in the case of Teo Boon Hock, the Attorney-General only announced the discovery of a suicide note from Teo’s slingbag two years later. How could the Attorney-General hide this important piece of evidence for two years? This is shameful to the whole nation.

Bearing Teo’s case in mind, we are doubtful what kind of action the Attorney-General will take against the 14 businessmen.

To achieve the 1 Malaysia vision, the BN Government and Prime Minister must be brave and bold enough to take drastic actions to solve any problem arisings. For example, in the case of the Mazu project in Kudat, all BN leaders including the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister know what is going on. To the LDP, this is one matter that could be solved easily, especially so if we want to achieve the 1 Malaysia vision but, unfortunately, some leaders are coward to act.

The Mazu project is also linked to the issue of Central Board which LDP secretary general Dato’ Teo Chee Kang, who’s Tg Kapor Assemblyman, had questioned during the State Legislative Assembly sitting`, but no reply has been given yet.

All this while, Development Plan of building project is only submitted to the local council for approval. Why during the Mazu project issue, Development Plan must be submitted to the Central Board. The State Government must give an explanation to this sudden change of policy.

Regarding the case of Kudat District Chief, Haji Harun Bidin, the LDP has urged BN leadership for the immediate removal or punishment of Haji Harun for sacking eight community leaders in Kudat. But it is sad to see Minister of Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Haji Noor saying that no action would be taken against Haji Harun for the time being.

We have done what we want to do and said what he want to say, and we have met Federal leaders to tell what UMNO Sabah should not do. In this matter if leaders should be changed, the power lies with the top BN leaderships. If they still want to protect leaders who are corrupt, abuse their powers and involved in money laundering, I am sure the people will give BN a painful lesson in the next general elections.

I fully agree with our Prime Minister that BN must change, if not the people will change the BN. We already gave our promises and we must deliver them to the people within the next two years before the general election. If we don’t deliver the promises, BN will face a painful lesson from the people and may fall from power.
