PKR announces suspension of Sabah 12

(Free Malaysia Today) – PKR today announced (see press statement below) that it was suspending 12 leaders from Sabah for their role in forming a breakaway party last year.

Party secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail today said that the party’s supreme council, which met yesterday, agreed to affirm the recommendation put forward by the party’s disciplinary committee to suspend the 12 for a year.

“They have been found guilty although they have withdrawn their application to form Parti Cinta Sabah,” he said in a statement today.

Saifuddin said that the suspension will be effective from Jan 4, 2010 to Jan 3 next year.

He, however, advised the 12 to submit their appeal as soon as possible so that the punishment does not prejudice their chances of contesting for party polls scheduled for next month.

He added that the complaint against the 12 was filed in June this year.

The party’s official statement on the punishment was in total contrast with what was revealed by some leaders who had attended the supreme council meeting yesterday.

According to these leaders, the final decision was only to suspend three of the Sabah 12 – all aligned to PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan – while the rest will be let off with a warning.

The three to be punished were Daniel John Jambun, Awang Ahmad Sah and Moses @ Mozes Michael Iking.

These three were named as the pro-tem president, deputy and secretary-general respectively in the application for the breakaway party.

The official communique from the party today, however, stated that all 12 will be suspended for a year.




30 Ogos 2010

Jawatankuasa Disiplin Keadilan telah membentangkan laporan berhubung kes penubuhan Parti Cinta Sabah dan mendapati bahawa kesemua 12 orang yang terlibat adalah bersalah dalam membuat pendaftaran parti baru kepada ROS walaupun kemudiannya telah menarik balik pemohonan tersebut.

Kes ini telah dikemukakan sebagai aduan baru pada bulan Jun 2010 apabila pengadu mendapat pengesahan daripada pihak Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia.

Setelah diteliti dan dibincang laporan tersebut, Majlis Pimpinan Pusat Keadilan yang bersidang pada 29 Ogos 2010 telah bersetuju mengesahkan keputusan Jawatankuasa Disiplin Keadilan untuk menggantung 12 anggota Keadilan berikutan aduan penubuhan Parti Cinta Sabah.

Penggantungan tersebut berkuatkuasa dari 4 Januari 2010 hingga 3 Januari 2011.

Namun demikian, Fasal 27.4 Perlembagaan Parti memperuntukkan bahawa kesemua 12 anggota tersebut boleh membuat rayuan kepada Majlis Pimpinan Pusat bermula hari ini dan pihak Majlis Pimpinan Pusat bersedia menyegerakan rayuan untuk dipertimbangkan kerana untuk tidak memprejudiskan penglibatan mereka dalam Pemilihan Parti 2010.


Setiausaha Agung

