Sabah belongs to Sabahans

By Free Malaysia Today

It will be a fatal mistake if opposition politicians from the peninsula ride roughshod over the sensitivities of the people of Sabah. It is well known that the land below the wind (now the land of illegals) has long been seething with anger at the federal masters. Rich in natural resources, bigger than the peninsula, they should be enjoying the fruits of their natural wealth and holding the future in their hands. Instead, fate was unkind to them and today they live under the yoke of “alien” rule.

For a brief spell, they had power but because of the machination of a devious dominant peninsular party, they lost their high seat. Though their politically emasculated Huguan Siou (paramount leader) now sits at the same table with the hated “conquerors”, life there does not seem to change for the better. In PKR the people have found another promising platform to advance their cause. The party is open to all races and in Sabah it has made quite an impact. Its standard-bearer is a fighter for justice and fair play though his future is nebulous. By forging a link with one of the favourite sons of Sabah, the way ahead looks clear and bright. The partnership seems solid and PKR appears to have hit off well with the crowd. But to their dismay, PKR is behaving more like its peninsular foe. It wanted to impose its own brand of leadership on its partners. In short, it wanted peninsular politicians to run the show in Sabah. It met with stiff opposition.

Though the error was rectified with Sabah’s favourite son in control of his state, the ceasefire did not last long. It was bound to happen: some disgruntled members got together to form a breakway party and fight their own battle. They nearly got away with it if not for the peace deal reached with PKR. But dirty politics intervened. Imperiously, PKR came down hard on the rebels with the recommendation that they be suspended. It acted tough and rough. The damage was done and another blunder committed. PKR had acted in a manner that reminds its Sabah brothers of the treacherous peninsular politics.

Even if the recommended suspension is not acted upon, the undercurrent of distrust will persist. The dissidents have made their point and Sabahans, inside and outside the political arena, have taken note of the haughty yet fragile opposition party from the peninsula. If the rebels are shown the door in a display of extreme petulance, it would not sound the death knell for Sabahans. It would instead strengthen their resolve. If the PKR supremo in a magnanimous gesture brings them back to the fold, it would do nothing to calm the troubled waters. Whichever way the story is played out, the stark reality is that Sabahans, irrespective of their political leanings, simply do not want peninsular leaders talking down to them.

