Holy mother CRAP!

It’s like we are all living in a porn of stupidity, where everyday, everyone of us tries hard to outdo each other’s stupidity. 

By Art Harun

I have written about how Tenaga Nasional Berhad or some people in TNB could not see the light from the bright. Please see my article titled No joke please, we are TNB!!!

And today, I learned from Rocky’s Bru that Malaysia has again been dragged into legal infamy by some really bright spark in the Multimedia and Communications authority in Malaysia.

Yes. The author who wrote that TNB parody/satire is going to be charged in Court tomorrow, apparently under section 233(1)(a) of the Multimedia and Communications Act 1998, for allegedly  “creating and spreading lies with the malicious intent to hurt others.” Please go to his blog, Nose4news for this story.

We have lost the plot so many times.

Submarines which could not dive. Slaughtered a cow in the Parliament. An MP got semput after eating durian and mutton in the Parliament. Jet engines from the Royal Air Force were stolen and nobody knew about it for yonks. A reporter was detained under the ISA to protect her own safety. Jean Todt became our ambassador for tourism (what the heck has happened to him, by the way?).

Then of course we have Ibrahim Ali and his Taming Sari wielding followers around town lodging police reports after police reports while posing in front of cameras holding the police report for everybody to see their stupidity. Latest I heard a police report is going to be lodged because telur ayam had naik harga. 

Recently, we have a pronouncement of legendary proportion that meritocracy is racist. And non-Muslims cannot be in a mosque. Teenage baby dumpers should be sentenced to death. A Chinese MP is deemed dirty. Headmistress spewing racist remarks. A rapper insulting the headmistress in a video. A top legal man demonstrating in Court how to strangle oneself.

All are classic Malaysian-esque display of moronic orgies. It’s like we are all living in a porn of stupidity, where everyday, everyone of us tries hard to outdo each other’s stupidity.

Read more at: http://art-harun.blogspot.com/2010/09/holy-mother-crap.html
