Kekecewaan di Bazar Ramadhan

During a month where lies and deceit should be subservient to fear of Allah, I find that Muslims have no such fear ESPECIALLY when serving and selling food to customers in these Ramadhan bazaars.

By Hikayat Putera Kemuning

It is a norm for petty food traders and hawkers in this predominantly Muslim nation of mine to regard Ramadhan as a month to scour for extra revenue by opening stalls and selling a variety of foodstuff for Muslims to feast upon during breaking of fast.
It would seem illogical as Ramadhan is a month where our food intake is lessened, however what ‘should be’ is always different that what ‘it actually is’.
During a month where lies and deceit should be subservient to fear of Allah, I find that Muslims have no such fear ESPECIALLY when serving and selling food to customers in these Ramadhan bazaars.
The quality of food is depressing, what nick-nacks that should taste sweet tastes bland; what should be round is instead oblong, and what should taste like rice instead tastes like paddy.
